Novena to the Holy Family – You Are Loved Eternally! (inspired by Mrs. Margie Klee,
mother of eleven children with twenty-five grandchildren and thirty-five great grandchildren)
Begin each day of the Novena with this prayer:
Heavenly Father, we give glory to Christ, your only begotten Son born of the Virgin Mary into the Holy Family.
We ask Mary, Mother of God and Mother of the Church to intercede for us. May her gift of a mother’s love
convert sinners and open the hearts of many to receive our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We turn to St.
Joseph, head of the Holy Family and protector of Holy Mother Church, to inspire fathers to lead their families
and protect their children from all evil. Oh, Most Gracious God, through the intercession of the Holy Family,
may your Word be present in every home and may husbands and wives always be open to life. May parents
instill in every child the knowledge that they are loved eternally.
Day 1: Through Mary’s gift of a Mother’s Love and through the intercession of St. Joseph, we pray for
virginity and the sanctity of marriage to be honored and respected in our culture. In the name of Jesus, we
rebuke Satan and all evil forces which seek to pervert the beauty of virginity and marriage. We pray for the
repentance of all mortal sin violating the Sixth Commandment including promiscuity, immodesty, fornication,
contraception, pornography, masturbation, and adultery. We pray for those ensnared by the evils of divorce,
cohabitation, and abortion to be reconciled with the Lord.
Our Father
Hail Mary
Glory be
Day 2: Through Mary’s gift of a mother’s love, we pray for all wives and mothers to reflect that gift both
in their families and in the world. In the name of Jesus, we rebuke Satan and all evil forces which seek to
pervert a mother’s love. We pray for wives and mothers to be true to their state in life by supporting
their husbands in making their families a community of faith, hope, and love in an environment of
prayer. May they grow in the virtues of prudence, temperance, justice, and fortitude to become a
domestic church – a living icon of the Holy Trinity.
Our Father
Hail Mary
Glory be
Day 3: Through the intercession of St. Joseph, guardian of Jesus and most chaste spouse, we pray for
husbands and fathers to lead their families in the faith according to God’s will, that they be true to their
state in life by loving their wives as Christ loves the Church. In the name of Jesus, we rebuke Satan and
all evil forces which seek to pervert a father’s love. As the spiritual head of the family, may fathers
establish in their families a community of faith, hope, and love in an environment of prayer. May they
grow in the virtues of prudence, temperance, justice, and fortitude to become a domestic church – a
living icon of the Holy Trinity.
Our Father
Hail Mary
Glory be
Day 4: Through the intercession of Mary and Joseph, we pray for husbands and wives to reflect the love
of the Holy Trinity as one. In the name of Jesus, we rebuke Satan and all evil forces which seek to pervert
the sanctity of marriage. May engaged couples cooperate with God’s grace to offer the most precious
gift of virginity to each other on their wedding night, that their marriages continue to grow in love and
chastity. May husbands and wives work together to establish in their families a community of faith,
hope, and love in an environment of prayer. May they grow in the virtues of prudence, temperance,
justice, and fortitude to become a domestic church – a living icon of the Holy Trinity.
Our Father
Hail Mary
Glory be
Day 5: Through the intercession of the child Jesus, we pray for children throughout the world to honor the 4 th
Commandment and be obedient to their parents. In the name of Jesus, we rebuke Satan and all evil forces
which seek to pervert the innocence of children. May children live according their state in life by respecting
their parents, pastors, teachers, government officials, and all authority figures. May children cooperate with
their parents to create a community of faith, hope, and love in an environment of prayer. May they grow in
the virtues of prudence, temperance, justice, and fortitude to help their families become a domestic church –
a living icon of the Holy Trinity.
Our Father
Hail Mary
Glory be
Day 6: Through the intercession of the Holy Family, may all families be a community of faith, hope, and love
in an environment of prayer. In the name of Jesus, we rebuke Satan and all evil forces which seek to destroy
the sanctity of the family. May families grow in the virtues of prudence, temperance, justice, and fortitude to
become a domestic church – a living icon of the Holy Trinity. With these virtues, may families strengthen the
Church, local communities, and our nation.
Our Father
Hail Mary
Glory be
Day 7: Through the intercession of the Holy Family, we pray for the legal recognition of a child’s life beginning
at conception through natural death. In the name of Jesus, we rebuke Satan and all evil forces which seek to
destroy innocent life. May all laws which defy God’s Natural Law be soundly rejected.
Our Father
Hail Mary
Glory be
Day 8: Through the intercession of the Holy Family, we pray for the legal recognition marriage being of one
man and one woman. In the name of Jesus, we rebuke Satan and all evil forces which seek to redefine
marriage. May all laws which defy God’s Natural Law be soundly rejected.
Our Father
Hail Mary
Glory be
Day 9: Through the intercession of the Holy Family, we pray for all families that have been affected by
abortion, divorce, fornication, contraception, pornography, masturbation, and adultery. May these families
be healed of all harm caused by these sins and be reconciled with Christ. In the name of Jesus, we rebuke
Satan and all evil forces which seek to divide families and prevent them from being reconciled with God. May
families grow in the virtues of prudence, temperance, justice, and fortitude to become a domestic church – a
living icon of the Holy Trinity. With these virtues, may families strengthen the Church, local communities, and
our nation.
Our Father
Hail Mary
Glory be